Why a shark?
The installation is based on one of the most significant works of art of recent decades:
The Physical Impossibility of Death in the Mind of Someone Living by Damien Hirst 1991
It is a special blend of ready-made art (a nod to Marcel Duchamp's fountain and those that came after) and a title that immediately grabs our attention and gets us thinking, what is art? and what are we actually seeing before us? Continuing such works as Magritte's pipe and Jasper Jones' flags.

This installation was originally planned for the Burnerot regional event and I named it
“The Physical Impossibility of making art for Hippies”
I wanted to see if there is room for depth and complexity in festival art. Will anyone recognize the source of inspiration? Or maybe the only thing that matters is that it's cool.
It's not the biggest project I've ever built, but it's certainly is much more complex than anything I've done so far.
Nose-diving into two worlds that were completely foreign to me, the design and construction of the kinetic mechanism was a crash course in mechanical engineering.
On the other hand addressable LED’s lighting without any programming, as it turns out it is possible to produce complex and dynamic animations, that can be illuminated in other shades except red green and blue.
A live band was placed next to the installation at last minute so I synced the animations to their output sound on the fly.